The Obturator externus

Where Is the Obturator externus?

The external obturator muscle is a triangular muscle which covers the outer surface of the anterior wall of the pelvis. It is sometimes considered part of the medial compartment of thigh and sometimes considered part of the gluteal region.



What are the Symptoms of a Obturator externus Tear or strain?

External rotator muscles strains and tears are rare. Tears of the Obturator externus can cause achy and constant radiating pain in hip.

Obturator internus and obturator externus muscle strain involving the attachments to the obturator ring and ischium.

Strain within the obturator internus (black arrows) and obturator externus (white arrows) muscles.

What is The Function of the Obturator externus?

Extends the thigh. Externally rotates the leg.

Externally rotate the femur when the hip was in neutral position and flexed at 90°. Its secondary function was as an adductor when the hip was in flexion.


Stretches for the Obturator internus



Origin and Insertion of Obturator externus

Posterior gluteal line
Posterior surface of sacrum and coccyx
Sacrotuberous ligament


Upper fibers: iliotibial tract
Lower fibers: gluteal tuberosity of the femur


The Obturator externus is one of the deep six.
These deep muscles of the hip are either infrequently injured or misdiagnosed as hamstring or gluteal strains.



Obturator externus