Vastus medialis

Where Is the Vastus medialis?

The vastus medialis is part of the quadriceps located on the upper leg along the inside of the thigh. It tuns the length of the inner thigh all the way down to the inner part of the patella (Knee cap) Ligament joining to the lower leg bone (Tibia).


What are the Symptoms of a Vastus medialis Tear?

The knee can suddenly buckle if this muscle is weak or injured. Pain can occur along the inside of the knee. Deep knee bends can hurt this muscle also spending too much time on the knees.
Often misdiagnosed with knee strain or injury.
Often if this muscle is weak the knee bone (patella) will slide a little outward aggravating the knee on the outside.
Tight outer leg muscles (Abductors) will need to be loosened to become balanced with this muscle.

What is The Function of the Vastus medialis?

This muscle helps extend the knee (straighten from a bent knee position). It locks the knee straight when the knee is fully extended. Controls the knee in the inner part. Helps hold the kneecap in it's groove.

Origin and Insertion of Vastus medialis

Inside upper part of the femur bone

Insertion: Medial quadriceps tendon, medial patella ligament patellae into tubercle of tibia.

Fact: Sometimes called the Vastus medialis obliquus or VMO for short.