Mantra Meditation

A mantra is a sacred prayer or symbol that is repeated verbally or internally. They are used to focus consciousness on meditation and stop a wavering mind from running stray.
"To truly practice Yoga design a meditation mantra that reflects upon breaking down the perception of separation."
Choose a mantra that works well into your current spiritual beliefs. Take time to choose a mantra that has deep meaning. An old spiritual prayer or something that will aid in bringing about that which you intend to gain from meditation.

Meditation Instructions
The mantras have the strongest effect when spoken or chanted in a harmonious way.
The meditation mantra can be done progressively using sound before moving inward. Begin with speaking or chanting the mantra in repetition a number of times. A mantra chanted or spoken is more powerful and influential in the mind. When fatigued move to the next level by just chanting a meditation mantra when thoughts occur in the mind. After some time the mind is ready meditation, move inward thinking the mantra when distractions occur. This progressive approach is potent practiced by masters even after enlightenment. learn mantra
A chain of thoughts can go on for a long time before consciousness becomes aware and uses the mantra. Stay aware with keen enthusiasm otherwise a dream like state is entered as attention drifts away. This keen enthusiasm has been described as a burning spiritual fire that must be ignited from within, for with it's power the mind can remain fixed.
The mantras can be repeated internally when thoughts arise to redirect the mind back to the awareness of Yoga. (Measure the progress by repeating the meditation mantras each time a distraction enters the mind. How long is it before ten mantras occur. Have a set amount of mantras for distractions. This will stir ambition.

Meditation Technique

You may choose many meditation mantras for different results. Meditation mantras can be done for that which you wish to attain. For most it is a life of peace, joy and happiness so designing mantras that inspire this response from within. (Spending time choosing different meditation mantras can help identify that which we seek from life and that which is important to us. It is important to take time to identify these things.)
Find a comfortable seated position that does not stress the joints. This will allow the body to remain stable without pain and discomfort, a major distraction in meditation. (Move around a little form time to time to relieve pain.)
Spend at least 5 minutes doing relaxing breathing techniques such as humming or Aums. These breathing techniques naturally lengthen the exhalations and have a soothing affect on the nervous system. This will help to maintain stable rhythmic breathing throughout the meditation. Meditation Mantras can be done in time with the breathing rhythms.