Quadratus femoris

Quadratus femoris

Where Is the Quadratus femoris?

The quadratus femoris is located on the posterior side of the hip joint. It attaches at the upper leg bone to the pelvis.


What are the Symptoms of a Quadratus femoris Tear?

Tight hip-flexors can be caused by many things. Sitting on a chair for long periods of time shortens them and trains them to become tight for example. Once the hip flexors become less functional they inhibit the muscles on the back of your hip around your butt. Gluteal muscles that play a major role in the hip also become dysfunctional either from being stretched in a seated position for a long perion of time of because of these tight hip flexors on the front.


What is The Function of the Quadratus femoris?

Laterally rotates the thigh

Origin and Insertion of Quadratus femoris

Origin: Lateral border of the ischial tuberosity
Insertion: quadrate line of the femur below the intertrochanteric crest