ALIGNMENT QUIZ Before you begin enter your name and e-mail below. Your results will be sent to us for review. Answers are presented below questions after you submit and test scores will be displayed at the bottom of the page. Name Email Why is alignment important? You look better when you do poses. It gives you a foundation of knowledge you can base all yoga postures on. It helps to protects the joints. All of the above. None B.K.S. Iyengar said how many thing apply to "Tadasana" The Mountain Pose? 10 100 500 1000 None What is the foundation pose we use as a reference pose? The Headstand The Triangle Pose The Chair Pose The Mountain Pose None The ears should be aligned with? The chest The nose The ankles The shoulderblades None The sides if the hips should align with? The sides of the shoulders The nose The shoulderblades Inside of the ankles None Where do you begin usually with alignment? The feet The hands The top of the head The tips of the fingers None Study Warrior 2 Below Which of the following is true? The left foot should be turned out The left foot and right arm are out of alignment The right knee and left shoulder are out of alignment The legs are too close together None Which of the following is true? The lifted leg foot is not engaged and foot alignment is low The lifted hand palm is not facing sideways The supporting leg is turned in All of the above None Which of the following is true? The legs should be wider apart The head is facing the wrong direction The fingers on the right arm are not engaged The right foot should be turned out more None Which of the following is true? The girls shoulders should be rolled back and chest should be raised more The gaze should always be forward in Cobra pose The elbows should be bent In Cobra pose you should be on the tips of the toes None Why is the foot and knee alignment important? The foot stabilizes the knee The foot controls the knee The foot and knee alignment is not important The foot and knee position help control the abdominals None Lateral Means? Toward the outside Towards the inside The lower part of the body The back of the body None What does superior mean in anatomy? Situated away from the point of attachment Pertaining to the middle or in or toward the middle The Side of the body away from the middle Meaning above another body party/towards the top None In Warrior 3 it is very hard to? Align the hips horizontally Point the back foot. (Often toes point down) Remain in the pose longer than 10 seconds Use the toes for balance None One hip appears higher than the other why is this? Because the gluteal muscles are being stretched on one side and used on the other. Point the back foot. (Often toes point down) Remain in the pose longer than 10 seconds Use the toes for balance None Submit Quiz to see the answers and scroll down for your results! Time's up