Obturator internus

Where Is the Obturator internus?

This muscle is deep inside the pelvis and and travels top the top of the leg bone on the outside.


What are the Symptoms of a Obturator internus Tear or problem?

The pudendal nerve crosses the internal obturator muscle. Is this muscle becomes disfinctional swollen or tight the following symptoms may occur. Tingling sensations in the lower buttocks or sharp and radiating pain in the groin, legs, abdomen, or buttocks.

Nerves are tricky things and when the electrical signal that travels through them is impaired all kinds of strange symptoms can occur. In this particular area digestion problems and even irregular heart rhythms may occur.


Stretches for the Obturator internus



What is The Function of the Obturator internus?

Laterally rotates and abducts the thigh

Assists in stabilizing the hip joint.

When your leg is lifted (hip flexion) this muscle is an essential muscle in abduction.
Then the leg is straight this muscle helps with external rotation.

Obturator internus

Origin and Insertion of Obturator internus

The inside surface of the obturator membrane and the margin of the obturator foramen
Greater trochanter (top of leg bone) on its medial surface above the trochanteric fossa

The obturator internus is part of the deep six muscles that help externally rotate the hip and also contribute towards abduction, extension, flexion, and stabilization of the hip.


The six deep external rotator muscles of your hip are the piriformis, superior gemellus, inferior gemellus, obturator internus, obturator externus, and quadratus femoris.