Longissimus Cervicis Muscle Yoga Anatomy


Where Is the Longissimus Cervicis Muscle?

The longissimus thoracis is a muscle found in the deep back.  It attaches the low back (lumbar) vertebrae to the upper and middle back (thoracic) vertebrae and to the lower 9 to 10 ribs.

What are the Symptoms of a Longissimus Cervicis Muscle Tear or strain?

Pain in the side of the lower back from the bottom of the ribcage extending down into the buttocks. Pain often increases lower down the buttock.

Pain in the side of the lower back starting at the bottom of the ribcage traveling down to the top of the hip.


What is The Function of the Longissimus Cervicis Muscle?

Extension of the thoracic spine, lateral flexion of the thoracic spine, extension of the lumbar spine, lateral flexion of the lumbar spine.

  • Straightens (extends) the back (vertebral column)

Origin and Insertion of Longissimus Cervicis Muscle

The longissimus cervicis (transversalis cervicis), situated medial to the longissimus thoracis, arises by long, thin tendons from the top of the transverse processes of thoracic vertebræ 1-5, and is inserted into the posterior tubercles of the transverse processes of cervical vertebrae 2-6.


Transverse processes of C7 though C2



Synergist: Semispinalis capitis and cervicis, Splenius capitis and cervicis, Spinalis cervicis, Interspinales, Iliocostalis cervicis, Multifidus.

Antagonist: Sternocleidomastoid, Longus colli and capitis, Scalenus anterior, medius, and posterior.

Stretches for Longissimus Cervicis Muscle




Erector spinae Iliocostalis Thoracis