Samavrtti Yoga Breathing Technique

Samavrtti pranayama is a method of breathing in yoga where equal time is spent in each of the parts of breathing.


Find a comfortable seated position. Gently exhale all of the air from the lungs.

Stage 1 - Samavrtti Pranayama

Inhale and count on the inhalation.

Breathe out for the same amount of time.

Continue this breathing pattern.

After some time lengthen the duration of inhalation and exhalation.

This completes a gentle cycle of Samavrtti pranayama.

Stage 2 - Samavrtti Pranayama

Inhale and count on the inhalation.

Pause at the top of the breath for one third of the time of the inhalation. (antara kumbhaka).

Breathe out for the same amount of time as the inhalation.

Continue this breathing pattern.

Breathe into a good rhythm that feels natural before increasing the time of retention after inhalation to two thirds of the time taken for inhalation. Slowly work up to an equal time for the inhalation.

It may be a good idea to shorten the inhalation and exhalation time before introducing the retention after inhalation. This way the breath will not cause strain.

This completes a cycle of Samavrtti pranayama.
Inhalation (Puraka) = retention (antara kumbhaka) = exhalation (Rechaka).

Stage 3 - Samavrtti Pranayama

Inhale and count on the inhalation.

Exhale for the same amount of time.

Pause at the bottom of the breath for one third of the time of the exhalation. (Bahya kumbhaka).

Continue this breathing pattern and gradually increase the time of retention after exhalation so that it is equal to the other parts of the breath.

This completes a cycle of Samavrtti pranayama.

It may be a good idea to shorten the inhalation and exhalation time before introducing the retention after exhalation.

This completes a cycle of Samavrtti pranayama.
Inhalation (Puraka) = exhalation (Rechaka) = Retention (Bahya kumbhaka)

Stage 4 - Samavrtti Pranayama

Inhale and count on the inhalation.

Pause at the top of the breath for half the time of the inhalation. If its comfortable pause for the same amount of time as the inhalation otherwise slowly increase the duration.

Exhale for the same amount of time.

Pause at the bottom of the breath for half the time of the exhalation. (Bahya kumbhaka).

Gradually work up to even parts of inhalation, retention, exhalation and retention.

This completes a cycle of Samavrtti pranayama.
Inhalation (Puraka) = retention (antara kumbhaka) = exhalation (Rechaka) = Retention (Bahya kumbhaka).